Las últimas dos ediciones de la revista que edita la ITIA (Irish Translators and Interpreters Association) vienen con artículos interesantes acerca de errores de interpretación en juicio y la situación que se vive gracias a la externalización de los servicios de interpretación (asunto ALS):
- Bad “Hindi Translation” Leads To Mistrial In Brampton Sex Assault Case. A “physical” assault is not the same as a “sexual” assault. Touching “between legs” is not the same as touching the “genital area.” And “a couple of weeks” is definitely not “two days.”
- Court translation service in crisis after cost-cutting deal. A government deal with Applied Language Solutions (ALS) was supposed to cut £18m off the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) bill for court translation services in England and Wales – around 23 per cent of the budget. But what was intended as a cost-cutting measure will cost the government thousands of pounds every day in delays and adjournments, Channel 4 News has been told.
- Interpreting error leads to £25,000 retrial costs. A trial at a London court collapsed last Friday after it was revealed that an interpreter employed by Applied Language Solutions had made a grave interpreting error.
La revista se puede leer en la página web de la ITIA.
1 Response to ITIA Bulletin – Court translation service in crisis
L’externalització dels serveis d’interpretació de jutjats i policia, un exemple de males pràctiques | tradiling
julio 16th, 2012 at 15:38
[…] Altres notícies, alguna tràgica, on es demostra la necessitat de no jugar amb el dret a la comunicació a jutjats i comissaries. […]