Intensive Legal English Course

In: General

28 Abr 2011

ERADel 6 al 8 de junio se impartirá en Tréveris (Alemania) el curso «Intensive Legal English Course» organizado por la ERA (European Academy of Law):


This highly specialised course is designed for lawyers by lawyers. The aim is to offer training of practical use to those working in the legal profession. Attention is therefore given to the forms of English used in legal documents and to skills such as speaking and drafting documents; this includes writing letters of advice and drafting clauses for agreements.

Course Objectives

This course is aimed at speakers of English at an intermediate level and above and with a particular interest in the language of the law.

The law, like other fields of expertise, has its own specialised terminology, and this terminology constitutes the main focus of the course.

Participants are invited to refresh and / or expand their knowledge of legal words and phrases through a wide range of stimulating and enjoyable language exercises. Participants are encouraged to collaborate on these activities so that the atmosphere is of a collective effort rather than the typical conference or classroom situation with only one speaker. Language from a broad scope of legal areas is explored, from contract and tort to employment and crime.

Having explored the terminology of a particular area of law, participants then apply this knowledge by means of various writing and speaking tasks, often incorporating authentic legal documents. Again, the empasis is on a collegiate approach to stimulate learning in a relaxed atmosphere. These ‘production’ activities allow participants to practise and improve their writing, listening and speaking skills. The trainer’s task is to guide these activities and to offer language solutions and correction of mistakes.

Legal professionals need to be able to communicate their ideas clearly, so some time is allocated to the development of a clear, modern, «plain English» style. Participants are also encouraged to raise any particular language problems or questions they may have, especially in the context of legal English.


Stephen Dillon Weston (B.A, L.L.B., R.S.A. Cert. TEFL) has a degree in languages from University College, London and a degree in law from City University, London. He is a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language and has wide teaching experience.


El programa consta de los siguientes bloques:

  • Introduction to legal English. Writing: an email to a colleague
  • Civil liability: contract law. Speaking and writing: negotiating and drafting clauses in a contract.
  • Employment lawReading and writing: a letter of advice.
  • Legal writing. Exploring plain English (part 1)
  • Company law. Listening: an Annual General Meeting
  • Civil liability: tort law. Speaking: a case of negligence
  • Civil and criminal procedure. Writing: a brief to counsel
  • Legal writing. Exploring plain English (part 2)
  • Criminal law. Reading: a motion to dismiss
  • Human Rights. Speaking: discussion of human rights cases. Writing: a memorandum

Más información y el programa del curso en la página de ERA.

Comment Form

Acerca de mí

Me llamo Fernando A. Gascón Nasarre. Ejerzo de abogado en Zaragoza y soy intérprete jurado de alemán. De la combinación de ambos campos surgen mis especialidades: las traducciones jurídicas y las interpretaciones judiciales.

  • Fernando: Hola, Ángel: Gracias por el comentario. Esto es uno de los puntos que los compañeros estaban comen [...]
  • Fernando: Hola, Vanessa: Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Desde mi punto de vista la traducción ha de cumpli [...]
  • Angel Orts: Cierto que el papel ya se queda atrás, al igual que la normativa específica de las traduciones jur [...]
  • Vanessa: Gracias por el artículo. ¿Se entendería que la traducción está jurada firmando digitalmente (co [...]
  • Na: Se acaban de publicar las bases para la convocatoria de 2018, por si es de interés para alguien: ht [...]

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abril 2011


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